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A More Connected Ride

We’re making a Ridesharing App by and for the community
The solution is simple, we need to connect those that want to help to others that are open to it.

Christchurch map with chat bubbles around it.

Come and join us!

  • Schedule your trip; Mark your travel date on Carpoolin's in-app calendar.
    No more scrambling to remember details.


  • Find other users; Connect with fellow travelers heading your way - say goodbye to solo commutes.

  • Connect with other users; arrange a Trip together, its as simple as that.

Man Trying App
Calendar page of the app
This is displaying other Users Trips and how they're displayed to you.
Shows an exchange of messages between you and another user

Getting started with Carpoolin

We're doing something a little different.

The video outlines how to go about using the app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Carpoolin, we're all about making your commute smoother, greener, and more connected. But we know you might have some questions! Don't worry, we've got you covered. Dive into our FAQ section to find answers to everything you need to know about carpooling with Carpoolin.

What is Carpoolin? Carpoolin is a community-driven ridesharing app, initially targeting the 9-5 workforce. This group often lacks adequate government infrastructure and resources, contributing to societal disconnection. Carpoolin aims to address this issue and foster a sense of community.

How does Carpoolin handle safety? Safety in and around Carpoolin will evolve over time, with more resources dedicated to it as we grow. Initially, reputation will serve as a good benchmark, allowing you to see how other users have been rated. Once you reach out to a user, you can message back and forth to gauge their character better. At any point in this process, you do not need to accept a ride or get into a car if you feel uncomfortable. We have an anonymous 'report user' tool for reporting inappropriate behavior. Ultimately, your decisions are your own, and using your judgment is key.

How do I find or offer rides on Carpoolin? This is the core function of Carpoolin. First you need to determine if you're a Driver or Passenger, these options can be changed later. Once you establish your trip, select the days of the week you wish to commute. Then, its a matter of finding another user to share a ride with. It's as simple as that!

What are the benefits of using Carpoolin? We see three major benefits when using Carpoolin Reducing Traffic - Less time spent in traffic - Overcome poor infrastructure - Minimize time lost to congestion Resource allocation - Less land needed for roads and parking - Fewer minerals used for single-occupancy cars - Reduced fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and rubber/brake dust spread Loneliness Epidemic - Avoid lonely car rides - Make new friends - More personal time

How do payments work? Payments through the app are unsupported but may be considered if requested by users. Carpoolin is entirely free, though some features are limited for standard users. We appreciate any support, financial or otherwise.

What if I need to cancel or modify my Trip? Cancelling or editing your trip is supported. Please refer to the video tutorial above when available.

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